Our Mission

The mission of ACT Jacksonville is to expose radical islam in our midst by informing and educating the citizens of Jacksonville of the insidious nature of stealth jihad and mobilizing to defeat the spread and implementation of islamic sharia law.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"All Americans Must Die" written on wall of Tyson Chicken plant that adopted Muslim holiday in 2008 - Jihad Watch

Tyson Reaping what is has sown....

The same Tyson Food Plant that enacted a paid MUSLIM Holiday EID AL FITR in Place of 113 year old Labor Day, which was overturned in large part from pressure from ACT for America in 2008, is once again embroiled in controversy.

2 days prior to Christmas a women's bathroom was set on fire and the words "ALL AMERICANS MUST DIE" was written on the walls. This would not be so disturbing if it were not that TYSON foods is one of the largest food producers in the the nation which is a viable way for a Jihadi to kill untold numbers of Americans if the food source was poisoned.

"All Americans Must Die" written on wall of Tyson Chicken plant that adopted Muslim holiday in 2008 - Jihad Watch

Below see the Email exchange between ACT Jacksonville Chapter Leader and The Shelbyville TN P.R. head in regard to the Eid Al Fitr and the contract negotiations which were eventually overturned. There are three emails last to first...so may want to read from bottom up.

From: "Randy JaxACT" Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 3:00 AM
To: "Nicholson, Carma"
Cc: "Randy Chapter Leader"
Subject: Re: Contact Us form submission on http://www.tyson.com/Recipes/CustomerService.aspx

Carma Nicholson, I am glad to hear that quote "Labor day is still a holiday at Tyson Foods"

what really concerns me is your next statement... "THIS ISSUE CONCERNS > ONLY THE PLANT AT SHELBYVILLE, TN. Then you admit the American Union asked for and received Eid al-Fitr, as one of their eight paid holidays, in place of Labor Day."

The first statement seems a little contradictory in light of the next statement... or should it be said that "Labor Day is still a recognized holiday at most of Tyson Foods"???

Then... I have to ask how long before more American Holidays are replaced at Tyson? which ones? or at which Plant? or how many before it is considered unacceptable to Tyson?

Next the fact that 1/3rd of your twelve man union bargaining committee were Muslim Somali's which helped vote for the REPLACEMENT of Labor Day for Eid al-Fitr an American Holiday of well over a hundred years for a Muslim Holiday is not a surprise. It would not also surprise me that more members of the committee were Muslim than the three Somali's mentioned.

The fact that it was a union contract negotiated last fall ... some how makes it OK? Sounds like Tyson has a motto similar one of the Mob's..."it's not personal.... it's only business"

The fact that it was a negotiation means Tyson had the right to not accept this proposal no matter if 100% of the workers were Muslim and they all voted for it.

Then you go onto act as if Tyson had no choice in hiring these employees/refugees... or ... you were trying to earn Kudu's for doing what was socially responsible... I wasn't really sure which point you were trying to make?

By the way...no one is bashing Tyson for hiring these individuals and refugee's.

The Fact of the matter is this:

Tyson foods is an American business. As American's we should have more of what our founding fathers and other great Patriots over the years had.... the integrity and fortitude to what is right at any cost. Many businessmen and country men put their personal fortunes at stake to found this great nation. Actions by irresponsible companies which try to act as if they have no decision in the matter and then try to make excuses or blame others for their irresponsible actions...seems the norm in this day and age.

Tyson had the option to not accept this un-PATRIOTIC demand, but choose to cave to these demands for the all mighty buck. The fact...well it's just one plant...does not make this decision any less reprehensible. It's like a Chemical Plant saying we have only one plant dumping toxic waste into our local rivers... but the other 118 are really doing the right thing.... they are still causing damage to our rivers.

It is actions like this one by Tyson Foods... which are contributing to the destruction this Great Nation from within... they diminish our heritage and ties to our founding American values for one's which have no meaning to our Heritage by a people bent on replacing our culture and government on piece at a time.

I will continue with my boycott and will lobby every other grass roots organization to follow suit.

p.s. In an effort not to misrepresent myself or Act for America... I would like to let you know that our organization is over 40,000 strong... 50,000 was typing error. Members of my chapter and other chapters have expressed that they will also boycott Tyson Foods, however I can not speak for Act for America as a whole or all the other chapters, however ACT for America corporate has sent out copies of this article to all chapter's and as we share the same PATRIOTIC values I am sure they share my sentiment.


Randy McDaniels
Chapter Leader for Act for America
>>> -------------------------------------------------->

From: "Nicholson, Carma" >
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 3:25 PM>
To: > (Randy McDaniels ACT Jacksonville)
Subject: RE: Contact Us form submission on > http://www.tyson.com/Recipes/CustomerService.aspx>>>>> Labor Day Still Recognized at Tyson Foods>>

Union Contract Provision only at Shelbyville, TN Plant>>>>

Springdale, Arkansas - August 4, 2008 - Contrary to recent reports,>>

Labor Day is still a holiday at Tyson Foods. This issue concerns only the plant at Shelbyville, TN. The majority of employees at the Tyson plant in Shelbyville, TN, are represented by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Stores Union (RWDSU), an American union that asked for and received Eid al-Fitr, as one of their eight paid holidays, in place of Labor Day.

This applies only to the Shelbyville plant and resulted as part of the union contract negotiated last fall. This change does not apply to Tyson's other 118 plants. This is not a religious accommodation rather, it is part of a union-initiated contract demand.

This change came about as a result of union demands brought to the>> negotiating table, and was agreed upon by Tyson in an effort to reach a contractual agreement with the union. The contract that calls for this change was unanimously recommended by the 12-person union bargaining committee, which included three Somali employees. The contract was then overwhelmingly agreed to by 80-percent of the rank and file membership of the union at the Shelbyville plant.

The Muslim population at the Shelbyville plant is primarily composed of approximately 250 Somali employees, who are political refugees, most of whom came to the plant as a result of refugee resettlement efforts based in Nashville. They were employed at the plant through the Tennessee Department of Employment Security office.

The Shelbyville complex employs approximately 1,200 people. Approximately 1,000 workers are covered by the union agreement at Shelbyville.

Carma Nicholson Consumer Relations Tyson, Food Safety & Quality Assurance

-----Original Message----->>
From: rm_const@msn.com [mailto:rm_const@msn.com]
Posted At: Monday, August 04, 2008 08:43 PM>>
Posted To: Comments Conversation: Contact Us form submission on>> http://www.tyson.com/Recipes/CustomerService.aspx>>
Subject: Contact Us form submission on>> http://www.tyson.com/Recipes/CustomerService.aspx


Due to your recent decision to allow a Muslim holiday in place of labor day I will not be buying any TYSON products in the future. In addition, I am a member of ACT for America www.actforamerica.com and we are now over 50,000 strong who will be boycotting your products. I will be forwarding the information to other such coalition groups and my church.

This is a political ideology not a religion... and a violent one with the soul intent of destroying our American heritage, freedoms, and implementing sharia law in this country... and your aiding and abetting their efforts. I think those of you at TYSON should educate yourselves and be more patriotic.... I plan to do everything in my power to hurt your company where it counts.... $$$$$$$ obviously is all that is important ... it is the bottom line.

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