Our Mission

The mission of ACT Jacksonville is to expose radical islam in our midst by informing and educating the citizens of Jacksonville of the insidious nature of stealth jihad and mobilizing to defeat the spread and implementation of islamic sharia law.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

GOPer Hypothetically, CAIR Is A Terrorist Organization

Sheriff Baca, CAIR's sheriff does a good job of skirting the question, but raises another question..... Why did the Obama Administration drop the 2nd round of U.S. vs. HLF Trials in which CAIR Leaders were to be prosecuted in 2010 despite successful conviction of all defendants with sentences as high as 65 years in prison. There remains 246 additional defendants which the prosecution intended on prosecuting. Is Obama complicit? Did Obama and Holder scuttle the largest terror trial in US history?

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