Our Mission

The mission of ACT Jacksonville is to expose radical islam in our midst by informing and educating the citizens of Jacksonville of the insidious nature of stealth jihad and mobilizing to defeat the spread and implementation of islamic sharia law.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

13-Year-Old Jenny Gives Report Cards to Obama and Romney

1 comment:

  1. This is a hoax. It was created by a company called Craftdc.com. Follow her youtube account to the goggle + Link, you'll see she has two followers. One of those followers works at Craftdc.com and 3 of THAT ladyies followers works at Craftdc.com as well. CraftDC.com is a company that produces attack ad for Republicans. Jenny has not done her homework. She was paid, and this is a script. Follow the FB thread here. http://www.facebook.com/WesternJournalism/posts/548513198507987?comment_id=6725935&notif_t=like
