Our Mission

The mission of ACT Jacksonville is to expose radical islam in our midst by informing and educating the citizens of Jacksonville of the insidious nature of stealth jihad and mobilizing to defeat the spread and implementation of islamic sharia law.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anti-Muslim voices becoming more heated in recent months | jacksonville.com

Anti-Muslim voices becoming more heated in recent months | jacksonville.com

1 comment:

  1. Approximately 12 paragraphs into this article Randy McDaniels is quoted as saying "I'm very encouraged". Something very encouraging is that he is identified as the leader of the Jacksonville chapter of the "anti-radical Muslim" group ACT!for America. This is encouraging because we're usually identified as anti-Muslim, which makes us appear to be a hate-group. "Anti-radical Muslim" is a more appropriate description and shows progress in the author's, and hopefully the reader's understanding, of ACT!'s purpose.
