Our Mission

The mission of ACT Jacksonville is to expose radical islam in our midst by informing and educating the citizens of Jacksonville of the insidious nature of stealth jihad and mobilizing to defeat the spread and implementation of islamic sharia law.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Leaked cables: Turkey wants "to take back Andalusia and avenge the defeat at the siege of Vienna in 1683" - Jihad Watch

Scary, when you think JACKSONVILLE Florida has Akif Aydin of the Amity Turkish Cultural Center who promotes Fethullah Gulen on their site (Gulen, is believe to be the man pulling many of the strings moving Turkey from secular to a Islamic Totalitarian Government, he lives in P.A. on exile from Turkey and runs 220 Schools in the U.S. on in Jacksonville) conducting influence operations on prominent leaders in our community with trips to Turkey, conducting INTERFAITH DIALOGUE via the Table of Abraham to influence other faith leaders, and gain credibility in the community.

I have attended Mr. Aydin's speeches...or Proslytizing before. We confronted him on video and the deception and distortions were so bad, the pastor even made comment to our group over dinner of this fact. He was appauled.

Turkey, was the home to the Caliphate or leader of the Global Islamic State until last century when Ataturk outlawed Sharia Law and all things Sharia Compliant....and made Turkey a secular nation. This lead to the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Spawned Hamas, Taliban, Al Qeada, and other violent Jihadist groups, and the PRE-VIOLENT groups here in AMERICA like CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, MSA, and others.

Wake up America... it is an orchestrated GLOBAL ISLAMIC MOVEMENT and we have not event started to engage inside our country...where the real war is taking place.

Leaked cables: Turkey wants "to take back Andalusia and avenge the defeat at the siege of Vienna in 1683" - Jihad Watch

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